Decoración: Made Of Duct Tape
Among my initial craft projects were of duct tape material. I never see this item other than its original purpose, which is to seal off packages or as its name imply, leak proof ducts. Until I accidentally viewed a wallet DIY online, made out of this inexpensive article.
Once the process of creating the "fabric", which is conjoing two set of strips, both on its adhesive side, is done, you'll end up with a soft and maleable textile which can be used for anything that will be nice if made of semi glossy synthetic finish.
I also tried a wallet version, then proceed to my own creation like the laptop sleeves and a multi purpose container. I tweaked the base instruction and infused fabric and plastic among the components.
Fun, fun, fun, I had so much fun doing these projects. Functional and durable too. The pretty container still holds my yarn stash while the laptop sleeve had seen better days, till I got a new one, but it is still in good shape.