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Chicken Binagoongan

Thinking of what to cook for lunch and dinner is an everyday dilemma. And it cannot get any harder with chicken only as the main meat. Pork is totally out of the option and beef has to be taken occasionally, abiding a medical advice. Fish will be a good choice if only it is still fresh after office hours, and I don't prefer any seafood stored in the fridge.Well, how many dishes can anyone come up with chicken? From homegrown viands such as the gravy based afritada, adobo, and chicken curry to fried and grilled in various marinades. Since I also decide what to eat based on craving, the more challenging menu planning had become.

Well, last night I am salivating with a dish well known to be of pork, which is none other than Pork Binagoongan. The thinking bulb went so bright, yes, why not, Chicken Binagoongan! Did a quick mental checklist of all the ingredients and apart for a quick errand to buy eggplants, everything was pretty much on hand.

Here's how I had gone about in whipping up this mouth-watering treat...

I started boiling one kilo of chicken mix parts with 2 cups of water, reduced it to a simmer, saved a cup of broth and let the rest evaporates totally. When it began to fry on its own fat, I added some cooking oil to lightly brown the meat and set it aside. From the same pan, I fried the eggplants, cut into medium size pieces. To prevent the eggplant from discolouring, I cut them as I fried them.

I proceeded to saute and I take this process very seriously like ensuring that the garlic is lightly browned before adding the onions and the onions to be translucent before adding the tomatoes. In high heat, I waited till the tomatoes were thoroughly cooked with its skin curled as a sign.

Two tablespoons of bagoong were added, followed by the browned chicken pieces, chopped red chilies and dried bay leaves. At this point, the smell was so good and appetizing. And when the flavors seemed to be soaked in, the fried eggplants were added.

Served with steaming hot rice, we savoured our delectable dinner, rarely conversing, well as for me, my thoughts were occupied with memories of home....

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