I Make Our Own Ice Cream
"Happiness is two kinds of ice cream"...goes the line from the song "Happiness", from the musical "You're a good man, Charlie Brown". Like on cue, I find myself singing it when I started to type this blog. It's because, I am overly happy to write about and share my homemade ice cream making experience, and oh boy, how heavenly delicious the flavors turned out to be!
But first I have to thank Gemma Stafford of Bigger, Bolder Baking. It is from her blog that I got inspired to produce one of the most irresistible sweet treats there is, right at my very home.
Check out her recipe of the "Homemade Ice Cream (No Machine) with only 2 Ingredients " at http://www.biggerbolderbaking.com/homemade-ice-cream/
She's right, you heard it right, 2 ingredients only for the ice cream base and no ice cream maker required. Trust us (multitude who tried it), it's creamier than store bought. And we get to adjust the sweetness too. The fun part is the flavoring and garnishing. Creativity and inventiveness will go a long way to think up of endless variety. From the well loved cookies and cream, my all time fave, butterscotch, the fruity kind like strawberry and mango to the exotic type such as avocado and sweet corn. The list can go on and on.
Visually sharing my joyful experience while concocting our "end of the day reward" or simply known as the midnight snack, and the tried and "tasted" assortments I came up with.

The ice cream base is made up of whipped cream and condensed milk. Cookies & cream and strawberry were my very first creations. Oreo for the cookies and I decided to include marshmallows for added child delight. The strawberry was of canned pie filling.

Butterscotch and Avocado with pistachio nuts.

"Heaven, I'm in heaven..." oh, I'm singing again....