Cucina: Chicken Salad Sandwich
I observed and realized that the common denominator of all my food blogs was that the dishes and snacks that I featured were all rooting from my past. As if my tongue has a memory which could recall a specific taste or a flavor.
Here's another example of a well-loved snack from my younger years, with a trail of thoughts where my family used to have it. Packed snack for school, picnics at Luneta Park and even at the cemetery on Todos Los Santos (All Saint's Day).
It is the classic chicken salad sandwich. There's a certain comfort that the tender chicken slivers and creamy dressing brings. On plain or toasted bread slices, it was a treat to have. I vividly remember my mother wrapping those delicately and daintily with the napkin in pastel colors.
I couldn't get the taste out of my head and I cannot wait for my next homecoming to request Mom for it. I want it now, I have to do it myself then.
Guided by my "tongue memory", I mixed the ingredients, seasoned to taste and how I wish my Mom was around for her thumb's up of approval. I did it, it tasted exactly like hers!
Till this writing, our breakfast at the office and snack at home are chicken salad sandwiches.

Boiled and slivered 500 grams of chicken breast. Finely chopped a yellow onion, a boiled carrot and 2 large celery stalks.

Seasoned with pepper...

and salt....

and combined thoroughly by folding. Over mixing can cause it to be "watery". Easy peasy!

Yes I know, I should've trimmed the bread edges but I couldn't wait to devour them any longer!

Croissant on some other day...